Kirsten Raible is a Junior Hydrogeologist at Umvoto while completing her masters degree in Engineering and Environmental Geology – Hydrogeology at the University of Pretoria (UP), looking at the hydrochemistry, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes, and radon in waters of the greater Timbavati Catchment.
During her studies at UP, Kirsten was awarded the Jan F Cilliers Book Prize for being the best first year student in geology and became a member of the Golden Key International Honours Society. She was also a member of the Geological Society of the UP Executive Committee. Kirsten has presented at the 2022 IAH-SA virtual conference, 2022 K2C Hydrology Learning Colloquium, the 2023 GWD Geohydrology: Practical Skills Course, and the 2023 IAH Worldwide Groundwater Congress.
Kirsten’s current tasks include fieldwork to gather water quality and hydrogeological data, as well as data analysis and report writing.
Kirsten finds joy in diverse hobbies like skiing, horse riding, jujitsu, gardening, and sewing.