our work

SOILL Moorreesburg Floodline

Umvoto was appointed by Southern Oil (Pty) Ltd (SOILL) to delineate the 1:100 year floodline on their Moorreesburg property, where their current operations occur and where planned future plant upgrades are to take place. The main objective of the assessment was to determine if the proposed SOILL site development would be impacted by flooding of the Moorreesburgspruit water course at the 1:100 year magnitude.

Umvoto undertook the desktop study, topographical survey, hydrological and hydraulic modelling, and finally the floodline calculation. Topographical surveying was conducted using the Trimble R8s Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver and TSC3 controller, using a VRS-RTK survey style. This was to provide accurate X, Y and Z values of the property and to provide an accurate geometry of the watercourse, which was needed for the hydrological modelling. Visual SCS-SA model was used for the hydrological and hydraulic modelling to provide flood peaks and finalize the floodline calculation.


8 Beach Road

muizenberg, Cape town